
Ormond Noonan

From early childhood I loved painting with watercolours, colouring with crayons and creating imaginative Irish landscapes with pastels. In my teens I acquired oil paints and a...

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Aleksandra Niemczyk

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Bet Mishra

I use colour and form to define every day objects, landscapes and cityscapes, working intuitively and allowing the accidental to bring excitement to my work. I often on several canvases at a time...

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L J McLeod

I hope my work gives quiet pleasure to the viewer, while encouraging regard to rest on form and colour beyond that found in life or imagination; capturing the eye just long enough to read the message...

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Caroline Mayow

Caroline Mayow is a lifelong Londoner, where she finds the themes for many of her works. She studied painting at Camberwell, and later, sculpture with Gerda Rubinstein.

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Elma Masaitiene

I work in different art mediums - pencil, watercolor, prints, oils, jewellery etc., and my art can be imaginable inner figurative landscapes and other times it could be geometrical abstract...

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Lindsey Malin

I attempt to turn my hand to anything that comes along using a range of media and with an emphasis on drawing. My love of flowers, plants, and attention to detail was reinforced by completing the...

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Jane Lydbury

Jane Lydbury is a freelance illustrator, printmaker and painter. Printmaking, in the form of wood engraving, has been her main technique as an illustrator.

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Karen Lewis

Painting helps to bring a sense of balance to my life. I paint anything that I feel, connects me to an experience of beauty. I try to capture something of my response to that beauty on paper and in...

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Nellie Katchinska

Nellie Katchinska is a London based artist. She works primarily in pastels and oils. Her main artistic inspiration comes from observing everyday life, nature and people on the street. From 2022,...

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